Hurricane Preparedness Tips
Hurricane Preparedness Tips
Hurricanes are dangerous and unpredictable storms that can have devastating and long-lasting effects on the communities that they impact. This hurricane season, be prepared for what might come your way. Here are some tips to help you Prepare, Plan and Stay Informed.
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Portable, battery-operated radio
- First aid kit/manual and essential medicines
- Cash, cellular phone (fully charged)
- Bottled water (minimum 3 gallons per person)
- Canned food and non-electric can opener
- Protective clothing, rainwear, bedding, sleeping bags
- Trim trees and shrubbery
- Bring all loose furniture/objects inside
- Turn refrigerator and freezer to coldest settings and fill with ice bags
- Board up windows or tape up window panes
- Store valuables and personal papers in waterproof containers
- Fill bathtub with water
- Fill propane tank in grill for cooking
- Check policies to see if you have flood, wind and contents insurance
- Unplug and lift major appliances off ground to prevent water damage from flooding
- Unplug appliances
- Turn off gas, electricity and water
- Fuel vehicles in advance
- Plan evacuation route ahead of time
- Take blankets, sleeping bags and clothing
- Take identification and valuable papers
- Bring pre-assembled emergency supplies
- Lock up home and leave as soon as possible
- Pay attention to local media for the latest information
- Return home only when officials tell you it’s safe
- Avoid fallen or loose power lines and report them immediately to your power company
- Stay alert for extended rainfall and subsequent floodings
- Avoid disaster areas
- Use extreme caution when entering buildings
- Avoid drinking or cooking with tap water until you are certain it is not contaminated
- Use telephones for emergency calls only
- Make sure your pet wears a collar with i.d. tag and bring a photo of you and your pet
- Attach the address/phone number of your evacuation site to your pet's crate or collar
- Bring carriers, crates, leashes, shot records, food, litter, blankets, etc. for your pet
- Go to for a list of hotels that accept animals
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